Meet the El Stories, the girls behind the Travel Blog: El-ena and El-iza.
2 sisters from Thessaloniki created this Greek Travel and Lifestyle blog to share with you their travel adventures showcased through beautiful places, food and people.

Heyyy, I am Elena the older sister. I moved in Cyprus in 2018, after living in Amsterdam for a few years. We were traveling a lot around the globe and some how in 2017 the idea of a Greek Travel and Lifestyle blog came alive. I love blogging because it is so creative and I also love working with my sis. Traveling and discovering new places and new cultures always fascinated me and now I get love to share it with our new big social family.
I am Eliza, the younger sister! Travel bug bit me hard when I was still in high school and since then traveling has become big part of my life. For me traveling is more than just a hobby, it is a form of after school education. I have been to more than 40 different countries and my wish is to explore as many parts of this planet as possible. Blogging gives me the opportunity to share all these new pictures, experiences and feelings while traveling. And of course express myself through photography. Most importantly, i get to spend more time with Elena (yes we love spending a lot of time together!).

We do believe in chasing your dreams through every day adventures. It is our hope and mission to inspire you through The El Stories blog to achieve them, whatever they may be and to experience life better! Obviously, we are no experts, we are just learning every day and taking everything in as The El Stories evolves.
All posts are created by blog owners for The El Stories solely. If re-posting content please link back to this site.
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If you are a company looking to work with The El Stories please e-mail . Any product sent for review is not guaranteed coverage on the blog.